Author of DEADLY HEIRS, the first novel of the Chase Michael DeBarlo mystery series, Mike Ricksecker is a versatile and talented writer who sees mystery in all aspects of the world around him. “Give me a bare room with a box, and I’ll have a field day. What’s in the box? Why is the room bare? What I love about writing mystery fiction is that it’s one big puzzle, and I enjoy challenging other people to figure out the solution.”
But while Mike is receiving acclaim in his mystery prose, it is his latest venture into the realm of factual paranormal activity drawing an ever-expanding fan base.
Q) What was the defining moment or event that sparked your desire to write?
A) I've had a desire to write ever since the second grade. I loved the Encyclopedia Brown books and I tried to mimic them with little mystery stories of my own. I also wrote a few stories about the American Revolution at that time that were recognized by some of my school's leaders. With encouragement from my mother and an opportunity to read a few of the stories in front of the class, which garnered a positive reception, my interest in creative writing was propelled forward.
Q) I have to ask the obvious here. The leap between private investigator Chase Michael DeBarlo and documenting ghosts and spirits is so vast Evel Knievel couldn’t jump it. What was the driving force that caused you to investigate and write GHOSTS of MARYLAND, and with your current work in progress about ghosts in Oklahoma, do you foresee a trend here created by the public’s increasing interest and demand for your works in this nonfiction genre?
A) I've been interested in the paranormal for quite some time and have written a couple paranormal short stories (one is available to read for free on my web site). Like a good PI novel, I see a number of mysteries within the field: What are the spirits around us and why do they exist? How might hauntings and other paranormal activity be explained? What happens to us when we die? People are starting to feel more comfortable in talking about the paranormal and their experiences thanks to the increasing popularity of the subject, so the demand for information continues to rise.
Q) A husband of 16 years with four children, how do they feel about Dad ‘digging up the dead?’
A) They have their own questions about the paranormal and generally find it interesting. My 15-year-old daughter will watch Ghost Hunters and other shows with me, and she'll ask me questions about what I've discovered and details about investigations on which I've taken part.
Q) You’re an ‘everyday guy.’ A former baseball player (we’ll forgive you being a Red Sox fan), Air Force vet, network administrator; your hobbies include wine making, baseball card collecting, rock hunting, playing the guitar, and you create computer games. Nothing is more important to you than your family. Being a published author requires you to be on the road with personal appearances and book signings. How do you juggle it all so your family remains at the top of that long list?
A) I secretly pray for more hours to be added to the day. You're right that it is a juggling act and I try to minimize the hobbies as much as I can right now. I figure that there will be more time for those once they're grown and out of the house, but I will still dabble in them when I find some extra time. In fact, I've been working on some pomegranate wine and I need to find a few moments to rack it. I will also try to involve them with my passions to introduce them to other aspects of life. For example, my wife and I have taken the kids rock hunting a few times (the Morefield Gem Mine in Amelia, Virginia is wonderful) and a couple of the boys collect different trading cards.
Q) What advice do you have for those who think they would like to write?
A) Write, write, write! And read. The best way to hone your passion is to keep working on it.
DA Kentner is an award winning author who also enjoys meeting and interviewing authors of many genres.

As author KevaD, my novel "Whistle Pass" won the 2013 EPIC eBook Award for suspense. Previously, in 2012, it won a Rainbow Award in the historical category. "Whistle Pass" is currently out of print, though I'm considering finding a new publisher, or self-publishing the novel. What do you think?
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